array( "Caja" => array( "Project home" => "", "References" => array( "A good introduction/tutorial" => "", ), ), "Adsafe" => "", "JSand" => "", ), "Program Analysis" => array( "JAM" => "", "JSAI" => "", "Wala" => "", "Kudzu" => "", "jsfst" => "", ), "Language Subsets" => array( "Strict Mode" => array( "Spec." => "", "References" => array( "", "", ), ), "asm.js: Mozilla's super-optimized JS subset" => "", "FBJS (deprecated): Facebook's restricted JavaScript dialect" => "", "Jacaranda" => "", ), "Type Systems" => array( "TypeScript" => "", "Gradual typing for TypeScript" => "", "TypedJS" => "", "TAJS" => "", "Dependent JavaScript" => "", "F# to JavaScript with type providers" => "", ), "Aspect Weaving" => array( "AspectScript" => "", "AOJS (Japanese)" => "", "Cerny.js" => "", "Twill" => "", ), "Semantics" => array( "JSSec: a small-step semantic specification of JavaScript, developed by Maffeis
Formal specification" => "", "S. Maffeis, J. Mitchell and A. Taly, ``Isolating JavaScript with Filters, Rewriting and Wrappers''" => "", "JSCert: a big-step semantic specification of JavaScript" => "", "LambdaJS" => "", ), "Reference and Tutorials" => array( "SpiderMonkey architecture overview" => "", "SpiderMonkey integration guide" => "", "S5 Eval Semantics" => "", ), ); include_once "linkTemplate.php"; ?>