array( "The Triumph of JavaScript" => "", "Great Writers Take on Factorial" => "", "Firefox vs. Chrome" => "", "Espousing strict mode" => "", "JS programming best practices" => "", "Efficient memory usage" => "", "TypeScript usage" => "", "TypeScript/Dart (video)" => "", "Super-optimized Mozilla JS engine" => "", "JavaScript news aggregator" => "", "A weekly JavaScript newsletter" => "", "Blink introduced as new rendering engine for Chrome" => "", "Blink Q&A (video)" => "", "Chromium feature dashboard (web ecosystem status)" => "", "JavaScript is doomed" => "", "JavaScript as web bytecode" => "", "Using functions to replace switch statements" => "", "The expanding role of JavaScript" => "", "JavaScript no longer optional" => "", "WTF, JS?" => "", "JS rendering with" => "", ), "Technologies" => array( "JavaScript at Netflix" => "", "require.js" => "", "" => "", ), "Tutorial/Introductory" => array( "TypeScript basics" => "", "ES5 Array methods" => "", "Potential ES6 features" => "", "ES6 feature overview" => "", "Web workers" => "", ), "Security" => array( "Web-based Pharming Attacks" => "", "PHP website hacked" => "", "Cookieless cookies" => "", "TOR vulnerability via Firefox 17esr JavaScript" => "", "Reasons to not do crypto in JavaScript" => "", "An exploit example" => "", "Chrome's plan for site isolation" => "", "Security hazards of HTML5" => "", "Firefox blocks Java plugins" => "", "Tor privacy breach" => "", "Why is JavaScript enabled in the Tor Browser?" => "", ), "Utilities/Reference" => array( "JS testing libraries" => "", "Code complexity analysis" => array( "Tool" => "", "Description" => "", ), "Blink (new rendering engine for Chrome) guidelines" => "", "Firefox maintainability" => "", "PhantomJS: test the DOM without a browser" => "", "JavaScript Under Pressure" => "", ), ); include_once "linkTemplate.php"; ?>